Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mark Your Calendars!

The annual juried Portland Open Studios is just around the corner. I will be participating again this year. The event takes place October 13,14, 20,21. Hours are 10-5 both days. You have the opportunity to see 100 artists at work in their studios. It's a great time to learn about why and how we work, and buy art directly from the makers. For $15 you get 2 tickets, a map, and a fully-illustrated engagement calendar with photos of every artists' work. For $5. you can purchase just the map. The guides and maps are available at New Seasons, and online at Portlandopenstudios.com. I hope to see you soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A New Tool

After seeing David Hockney's exhibition, "ABigger Picture," in London at the Royal Academy in April, I became aware of the great possibilities of using an IPad to paint and draw digitally. One large room at the show was filled with joyful large prints from his IPad work. I am 2 weeks into a very large learning curve, but it is serious fun. My intent is to have some of these works available as prints on archival paper. Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Winter in the Studio

It's been a strange winter in Portland. Lots of rain, to be sure, but also the occasional dusting of snow. This painting is informed by Reed Lake, near the Reed College campus.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Glass Work

I am nearly finished with some multiple layered works of glass for the new year. Some of these works have been fired at least 6 times, with additional glass frits added before each firing. They are nearly finished, and I'm pleased with the outcome.