Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Winter Chill
The tv stations are calling it the "Arctic Blast." It's pretty darn cold and although it was beautiful and clear today, tonight and tomorrow warns of frigid temperatures and the possibility of more snow. It's a great time for reading, playing games, and sipping a lovely port to warm the insides. In the event of another snow day, I look forward to the opportunity to be in the studio.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sad News
Good News Travels Fast
I am happy to hear from Larry Elder from the Elder Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina, that 2 of my large paintings have been purchased by a local corporation. What a nice Christmas present! Nothing like sales to spur me on to getting to work in the studio. The work has been going well recently, so no external push was really needed, but I am nevertheless gratified when my work strikes a chord.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thoughts of Summer
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Autumn Light
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Painting's Progress Continued
The painting has been completed this week, after 2 more sessions at the easel. The light through the trees has been heightened. Refinements have been made within areas to add more variety of texture and pattern. The intent was to create a corridor of light as a focus for the painting in contrast with the darker trees. The detail illustrates the spots of color combined to create the illuminated area peeking through the trees.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Painting's Progress
I thought I might document the process of making a painting. This week I began a painting informed by the Opal Creek Trail in Oregon. I am basing the work on photographs taken last August. The work begins in the studio with some preliminary sketches, and from there the image is loosely drawn on the stretched canvas. The first image shows work at the end of the first day. A bright yellow green was washed over the whole canvas as a ground. Then large color areas were established. The second image shows the middle of the next day. You can see that the color areas are being refined and augmented.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Summer Vacation Continued
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Summer Vacation
I am beginning work on paintings that are derived from my summer vacation to Opal Creek. This painting is 36"x48", and focuses on the beautiful jade water that flows through the Opal Creek Wilderness. The area in the painting is filled with gorgeous imagery;rock formations, water paths and foliage. One could do a whole series based on this particular section of Opal Creek.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
There's a New Dog in Town
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Opal Creek Wilderness
My family and I recently returned from a few days near Opal Creek Wilderness. We spent a couple of days hiking in the area, and there are not enough superlatives to describe this magical place. The water is various shades of clear jade green, and the rocks and trees are exquisite. A trip to Opal Creek could probably be a day trip from Portland with an early start. The main trail is a wide gravel easy 3 mile hike to Jawbone Flats and the Opal Creek Education Center. There are cabins to rent, and various programs throughout the year.It's well worth the trip.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tualatin Visual Chronicle
Monday, July 14, 2008
Mountain Views
My husband and I are just back from 4 days in the terrain around the Mt. Hood area. It was, in turn, invigorating, relaxing, and exhausting. Saturday we took an 8 mile round trip hike to Salmon Butte. It was a hot, dry uphill climb through the forgiving shade of the forest, with a spectacular clear view from the top of Mt Hood, Adams, St. Helens, Rainier, with additional mountains to the east. I'll have to look them up. Wild flowers too ; intense violet penstemon, indian paintbrush and lupine, to name a few.
Mount Hood,
Salmon Butte Forest
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A Toe in the Water
The first showing of my work in a group show at the Elder Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina has come to a close. I sold one piece to a collector there. For a first time exposure, I am happy to have had a sale and recovered my costs with some extra. Always good to make more than you spend. I hope this will be the beginning of a great relationship.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Opening in Charlotte
The new artists show is opening at the Elder Gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina on Friday. I will have 6 paintings in the show. The works are up and on the website. The reds and greens are not exact, but it does give some idea of the paintings. You can see the work of the other artists as well. The website is www.elderart.com
Monday, May 26, 2008
Off to Houston and Back to Oregon
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Here's to Emma
This week on Monday we put our sweet old girl, Emma down. She had a type of invasive cancer that progressively made it harder and harder for her to breathe. After a week of sleepless nights, we made the hard decision. She loved people and always gave a warm greeting to any visitor. One of her final acts was to hold out her paw to the stranger who helped with her death. She loved to hold hands and always extended a paw. She loved the beach and chasing balls and sticks, but most of all she loved to engage with people. She was my constant companion and I miss her terribly. So here's to you Emma, and your kind, outgoing way of greeting the world.
Monday, May 5, 2008
An Invitation

I'm posting an invitation for an open studio this weekend. I hope you'll stop by. I would enjoy meeting some new folks and sharing my art and that of my friends, Jason Greene, Stephen Leflar, and Mary Real. We will have a variety of prints, drawings, watercolors and paintings on canvas in a variety of prices. Come on by!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good News
I received good news yesterday that my work will be included in the new Sacred Heart Medical Center Campus at Riverbend in Springfield, Oregon. The work in this post, plus a larger commissioned painting will be part of their collection. The facility is scheduled to open in August. It looks pretty interesting from the website. There are drawings illustrating the atrium which makes use of natural materials and has a grand hotel feeling. Efforts have been made to make people more comfortable, and the building has several "green" aspects. All of the patient rooms have a view of the surrounding landscape. It seems they've gotten the message people heal better when they can see trees instead of buildings. Interesting. I look forward to seeing it after it's completed.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Spring Comes To Visit
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Movie Recommendation

This weekend we rented the DVD "Goya's Ghosts." It was directed by Milos Foreman and stars Stellan Skarsgard,Natalie Portman, and evil incarnate from "No Country for Old Men", Javier Bardem. It is visually beautiful and terrible and places Goya's life and work into the context of The Inquisition, war, and all the atrocities he witnessed and expressed in his work. There is a wonderful quick sequence of the art of etching which quickly illustrates the process. Acting is first rate with Skarsdard as Goya, Portman as a model and victim of the Inquisition, and Bardem as a Catholic priest who breaks free and then is undone by his rebellion. I will say no more specifics about that. I highly recommend the film if you love Goya, history, or masterful filmmaking.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Taking A New Plunge
This week my work arrived at a new gallery in Charlotte, North Carolina. The gallery is the Elder Gallery, Larry Elder is the dealer there. His response to my work was very positive, so we'll give it a shot.The gallery has an eclectic assortment of art from non-objective to classical Russian art. The website is www.elderart.com. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Spring Has Sprung
I see I'm many paintings behind even my once a week post. Three to be exact. Let me try and make it up to you. Let's face it. There's been a break in the monsoons, the daffodils are out, and the garden is loaded with things to do. I have been at work in the studio, however. Here's some of the results.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Perhaps A Painting A Week
Monday, February 11, 2008
For Your Consideration

I just finished a great book on Chuck Close,"Close Reading:Chuck Close and the Art of the Self Portrait," by Martin Friedman. I became interested after a recent wonderful exhibit at the Portland Art Museum on Close's prints and the many amazing processes involved in his work. The show was a wonderful homage to printmaking as well as the art of Close. The book does a terrific job of following Close's life, thought process and the art of portraiture from his perspective as well as that of fellow figurative artists who have been his subjects. I am impressed with the man,his determination and perseverance. The book is well written, insightful, and sprinkled with an ample quantity of color plates. Have a look.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Something To Think About
Art and money never touch. They exist in parallel universes of value at comparable levels of cultural generalization: Art does nothing to money but translate it. Money does nothing to art but facilitate its dissemination and buy the occasional bowl of Wheaties for an artist or art dealer. Thus, when you trade a piece of green paper with a picture on it. signed by a bureaucrat, for a piece of white paper with a picture on it, signed by an artist, you haven’t bought anything, since neither piece of paper is worth anything. You have translated your investment and your faith from one universe of value to another.
--Dave Hickey (winner of the MacArthur Genius Grant), “Dealing,” in Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Here Comes The Sun
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Moving Into the 21st Century
Yesterday I attended a workshop "Will Click For Art" taught by Mark Grimes, founder of Ned.com Lots of information about directing traffic to your website. As a Baby Boomer I have trouble wrapping my brain around all the information, but I am making small steps to improving things. It all takes time away from painting, but it seems important to keep your work visible. If you sign on to Ned.com and go to RACC, you may find some helpful links for yourself, and a few things just for fun.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Master In Our Midst

I recently went to see the show of watercolors by Henk Pander at the Laura Russo Gallery. They were superb. I can always count on seeing the highest quality work from Henk. This group of paintings is no exception. They are a diverse lot. There are still lifes, landscapes, and an intriguing group of paintings of piles of bricks. No matter the subject, he is able to say so much with so little. This Saturday, he and fellow exhibiting artist J. D. Perkin will be discussing their work at the gallery. Henk is an enjoyable guide. Check it out.
Cottonwoods at Malheur Refuge,
Henk Pander
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